
Thinking putty

I got some "Thinking Putty" for x-mas. Well, on the box it actually said "Misleči kit", but that's just some smart repacking in local language so it can be sold more expensively.

Anyway, I love this stuff. It bounces, it stretches, it tears, it shatters, it can glow in the dark, it can change color and it can attract magnets.

Another year is here

Happy New Year everyone!
But have you asked yourself what's so special about new year? Why is everyone celebrating it? What is everyone actually celebrating? The end of the previous year and the start of the next one you say? So why is this particular point in the Earth' path along the Sun so special? Because that's just what it is, an artificially decided, more or less fixed point in the Earth's orbit. It's impossible to decide where an ellipse starts.

Merry X-Mas

Yeah, it's that time of year again. Manic shoppers everywhere. Kitschy decorations everywhere. Red hats everywhere. Little lights on every house. Same old x-mas movies on tv again. Same old x-mas music everywhere.
Well, I hope at least your presents will be new .
Anyway, I wish a merry merry x-mas to everyone.


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