Spermy the Whale Goes Deeper and Deeper

Spermy the Whale Goes Deeper and Deeper

A game I made in 3 days for the Ludum Dare #48 event.

Submission | Post about making it

Spermy the Whale Goes Deeper and Deeper is a game about a lazy sperm whale of the species Physeter macrocephalus that wants to swim as deeper and deeper, as deep as possible. The poor whale doesn’t even now how to swim so you have to help him by blowing air bubbles near it. You need to press down the mouse key and don’t let it go to release air bubbles and push the whale around with them. You can even do it with your finger on your phone or tablet, but you won’t be able to see what you are doing very well. The whale has only a limited amount of air and the game will end if it runs out and your score will be the depth reached. If you actually reach the bottom, your score will be your time. Make sure to play it full screen (press that blue button with arrows under the game).