Revenge of Loopy the Turtle

Revenge of Loopy the Turtle

A game I made in 3 days for the Ludum Dare #47 event.

Submission | Post about making it | Gameplay video | Inspiration

Once upon a time there was a young turtle named Loopy. One day it got caught in a loop - a ring from a plastic bottle. The turtle grew while the loop didn’t so the poor turtle now looks almost broken in two parts. turtle.png A while after growing up Loopy decided to take revenge upon the whole world by catching other animals in plastic loops. For some inexplicable reason it got stuck in another loop .. a cart speeding around a looped railway track in the shape of the Lemniscate, a curve very closely resebling the symbol for infinity, the infinite loop. smalltrack.png For another inexplicable reason the other animals run around in loops of their own, albeit invisible.
  • You are the turtle stuck in a loop in the form of a railway track
  • Use the mouse to aim and shoot the other animals
  • M mutes/unmutes the music
  • S mutes/unmutes sound effects
Make sure to play it full screen (press that blue button with arrows under the game).