

Sometimes reality just isn't enough. That's when people turn to digital image manipulation (usually called photoshopping after the most known image manipulation program). You might have noticed "Photoshops" in the site menu. Believe it or not, that's where some of my photoshopping attempts shall end up from now on.

It's a Lensbaby, baby

Some weeks ago I got myself a Lensbaby Composer. That's a special lens that gives you great control over your focus area. Let's not waste words on it, just look at the video explanation on the official site of how this thing actually works.
Anyway, I just love playing with this thing. I've still got to a lot to learn on how to use it properly, but the first image worthy of showing has been added to the gallery.

Did anyone notice the spring?

The earth has come over halfway to its position in its orbit around the sun when its northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun the most. In other words: spring is here. This means more daylight to take photos in, kinder temperatures to take photos in and most importantly, beautiful scenes of nature coming to life, of beautiful flowers, of trees in full blossom, of green pastures, not to mention much less white and brown and gray and much more green. What are you waiting for? Go out and enjoy. Go take a peek in my gallery if you don't believe me about the benefits of spring.


I changed the title banner of the site a bit. Can you spot the difference? If not, click "read more" below. The watermarks are also in the process of being replaced with something in the same style.

A very short trip

Sometimes a photographer doesn't need to get far from home to make great photos. A couple of days ago a distance of about 2 meters was more than enough to capture some bees from very close. You can see them on the right until I post more photos. After that you'll have to visit the bee section of the photo gallery.


Duke Nukem Forever (DNF), for which the term "vaporware" was invented, is supposed to be released in May 2011. I'll believe it when I see it. DNF sets the record for longest game development time at 14 years.
I just realised that I'm the author of some vaporware myself, it has been almost 12 years since 2 of my games were announced :

Trip to Cerknica Lake

Rejoice! I finally got the time to post some photos from the sunday's trip to Cerknica Lake (Cerkniško jezero). It was incredibly warm for the middle of the winter so the snow was only on the tops of the mountains. It was so beautiful it almost made it look kitschy. Enough said, you can go visit the gallery now.

Oops, did I just miss New Year?

You might have noticed the lack of "Happy 2011" post this year. Does that mean I forgot about it and even missed it? That's hardly possible, one would have to live in a cave to miss it. Better make that a deep coma. I find it silly how much importance is put on a silly little occasion of changing the last number in the current date. Unlike other hollidays when people actually have something to celebrate (or at least think they do) this one is completely meaningless. It's as silly as saying the world will end in 2012 because the Mayan calendar ends.

We're back and kicking

The site was down for a couple of days because the PSU of the SheevaPlug on which it's hosted fried. I'm starting to think Marvell really sucks. They got a great product here and they're screwing it with bad components and workmanship, and even worse custumer support.
Fortunately NewIT was able to send me a new PSU very fast. I must say NewIT rocks.

Unreal Development Kit

2 days ago Epic released Unreal Development Kit (UDK), a free (for non-commercial and educational use) edition of the Unreal Engine 3 (UE3). Here's the official announcement. There's also an official forum where I already found a solution with some installation issues.

This is definetely something I'm gonna at least experiment with and maybe even try to use it to create a simple game, which hopefully doesn't end up in my plethora of barely started and never finished games using various tools lying around my computer.

Take-two's 20M $ GTA:SA hot-coffee screw-up

Making one of the most violent games (GTA: San Andreas) in which you can kill people in countless ways is apparently ok. But add a sex game to it, later change your mind and disable it, but leave the code in the game, so hackers can create a patch that enables it, and end up paying 20M $. Now if that isn't ridiculous, I don't know what is.
The source.

Thinking putty

I got some "Thinking Putty" for x-mas. Well, on the box it actually said "Misleči kit", but that's just some smart repacking in local language so it can be sold more expensively.

Anyway, I love this stuff. It bounces, it stretches, it tears, it shatters, it can glow in the dark, it can change color and it can attract magnets.

Another year is here

Happy New Year everyone!
But have you asked yourself what's so special about new year? Why is everyone celebrating it? What is everyone actually celebrating? The end of the previous year and the start of the next one you say? So why is this particular point in the Earth' path along the Sun so special? Because that's just what it is, an artificially decided, more or less fixed point in the Earth's orbit. It's impossible to decide where an ellipse starts.


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